
Toys for Tots

On Saturday, 12/10/11 = Myself and the 2012 Morgan Co Relay for Life Queens rode in the Madison Holiday Parade. After the parade, We meet up with the Morgan County Sheriff Department and donated toys. Merry Christmas!

Madison Holiday Parade

On Saturday, 12/10/11 = Myself and the 2012 Morgan Co Relay for Life Queens rode in the Madison Holiday Parade. Everyone had a great time. Merry Christmas!
Myself & 2012 Miss Spirit Relay Queens


Covington Holiday Parade

On Saturday, 12/3/11 = Myself and the 2012 Newton Co Relay for Life Queens rode in the Covington Holiday Parade. The parade had more than 125 entries - everyone had a great time. Merry Christmas!
2012 Newton RFL Queens

Riding in Parade in my Ford F250 Truck


Morgan CO RFL Kickoff 2012

On Tuesday, November 15, 2011, Morgan County held their Relay Kickoff for the 2012 season. I am the Event Chair for this county. I spoken about Relay and helped with all the presentations. The theme of this year's relay is "Banding for a Cure" - a music theme. I dressed up as a 80's concert goer!


Pageantry Magazine Winter 2011

World Universal Queens 2011 article in the Pageantry Magazine Winter 2011 Issue


Hands of Love Pageant

On Saturday, October 30, 2011 in Frisco, NC - I helped audit and set up the pageant for sister queen, Kim Martin. All monies raised go to feeding the hungary and giving gift bags at the holidays.
Hands of Love Queens, Ecmee, Judges and Staff


AVID Class

On Thursday, October 27, 2011, I spoke to AVID - Decades of College Dreams - Class at Cape Hatteras Secondary School in Buxton, NC. I talked about dressing for interviews, watching what you tweet and post on facebook and preparing for college. I enjoyed talking to them also about their college and life dreams.
Myself and AVID Students


Spin for Kids

On Sunday, October 23, 2011, I volunteer to help with the Spin for Kids fund raiser for Camp Twin Lakes in Rutledge, GA. Camp Twin Lakes hold special camps for special children during different times of the year. The event began at 6am (I was there at 6am to get it started) and the first group of bike riders left at 8am to ride 100 miles in one day! The different groups begin each hour - 60 miles, 47 miles, 27 miles and 10/5 miles. There was over 850 pre-register bikers for the annual event. I worked the food and beverage table. I had a great time meeting all the bikers and volunteers.

Volunteer and Biker (brother & sister) and me

One of the groups getting ready to ride

Olde Town Fall Festival

On Saturday, October 22, 2011, I did the welcome on two stages for the 31st Old Town Fall Festival in Conyers, GA. I having been doing the welcome for many years and a event I look forward to every fall  --speaking to the community about the festival.
Local dancers and me

Stage 1

Stage 2

Having picture fun


Think Pink

On Thursday, 10/20/11, I attended and donated gifts for the giveaways for the "Think Pink" fund raiser for breast cancer research. The event was held at Brendale's Salon & Stuff in Covington, GA. Good friends and good food makes for a great evening!

Having fun with owners- Brenda & Wanda - Just love my headband

Myself & Cheryl


Miss Sweetheart Relay Pageant 2012

On 10/9/11, I directed and produced the Miss Sweetheart Relay Pageant (along with being a commitee member) - a benefit pageant for the Newton County Relay for Life 2012. I had great judges, ecmee and other volunteers to help make the pageant a success. The bills were paid and the total raised was 2,858.00!!
2012 Miss Sweetheart Queens

Bike for the Troops

On Saturday, 10/08/11 in Conyers, GA - I volunteer to help register bikers for the 2011 Bike for the Troops for Operation Sand Box. A total of 650 bikers and a lot of vendor support - the total raised as of today in 22,000.00. Operation Sand Box send boxes of items to our troops overseas. The fun began at 6am and watching the bikers ride by at 11:30am was a sight to see.
Myself and Kim Martin - American Image Lady 

Early morning - hanging out with the Bikers
Myself and other Volunteers

Celebrating Our Troops

Let the bike ride begin


Miss Spirit Relay Pageant 2012

On 10/2/11, I directed and produced the Miss Spirit Relay Pageant (along with being the event head chairperson) - a benefit pageant for the Morgan County Relay for Life 2012. I had great judges, ecmee and other volunteers to help make the pageant a success. The bills were paid and the total raised was 1672.00!!
2012 Miss Spirit Queens and ME


Newton CO RFL Kick Off 2012

On Monday, 9/19/2011 - I played - Glenda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz in a play we did to kick off the 2012 relay season for in Newton County. I am a committee member along with the benefit pageant director & producer. The evening was one to remember.
The Cast of Land of Hope

Playing my part

After Pageant FUN!!

After the American Image Pageant - We all meet at the local IHOP for great converstion and FUN! We also ran into the 2008 Mrs. United States, Gariane Gunter MD.
Myself & newly crowned Queens - Ragen & Kim

American Image Pageant

on Saturday, September 17, 2011 in Lexington, SC - I attended the 2011 American Image Pageant. I had a great time and the pageant was tough - the winning queens shown below:
MS - Angela Landers; MISS - Emily Daniels; LADY - Kim Martin; TEEN - Ragen Johnson

Myself with Anglea (MS Queen)


MDA Telethon Viewing Party

On Sunday, September 4, 2011, I was invited to the 2011 MDA Telethon Viewing Party in Atlanta, GA. Myself and many sister queens were invited to the dinner and viewing party. Many of us used to man the phones but changes in the telethon -- phone banks were cut down, however, they wanted us there to meet and greet guests; talk with people presenting checks; and enjoy dinner.

Just Having Some Fun

On Sunday, September 4, 2011, at Perimeter Mall in Atlanta, GA -- working on fall wardobe with my pageant sister, LaQuetta McCollough - Classic Ms World Elite. Our Salesperson, Ray, was very helpful in finding that right outfit for fall. This was just one stop on our way to the MDA Telethon Viewing Party.


Big Haynes Creek Festival

On Sunday, August 28, 2011, I spoke at the Big Haynes Creek Festival located at Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers, GA. I talked about my title and Relay for Life. I also invited some new pageant queens on stage with me to talk about their pageant and committee service. It was fun for all. As I walked the festival meeting people & seeing different animals and learning new things - people were thanking me on all the information about Relay & my Title - they learned many things. I had my hair braided my nice Indian lady - she was so nice & kept me cool from the 95 degree temperatures.
Speaking on Stage

Speaking on stage with the Kick-N-Country Queens

 Making friends with the animals

Myself with the Kick-N-Country Queens

Meeting the Indians!

Playing frisbee


Giving to Morgan Co Humane Society

On Thursday evening, 8/25/11, I donated collected bath mats; sheets; and old rags from family and friends to donate to the Morgan County Humane Society. They needed these items to help with the care of the cats and dogs. Belinda Bell, Operations Manager, stated the cats LOVE laying on the bath mats.

Donations for the cats and dogs

Belinda Bell - Me - Betty Brown


2011 Holiday Tour of Homes

I received an email asking for volunteers to address post cards to be mailed by the Morgan Co Chamber letting everyone know about the 2011 Town & Country Holiday Tour of Homes. I stepped up to help out.

Picking up Post Cards from Bob Hughes (Morgan Co Chamber)


Extreme Home Make Over - Benefit Concert

Friday, July 15, 2011 at the Town Park in Madison, GA - A benefit concert was held for the Rucker Family Fund. I helped sent up for vendors and sold concert t-shirts. I was able to meet the band - Drivn'n'Cryin and Ty Pennington! I had fun and made special lifetime memories. On 7/16/11 between 2pm-4pm -- MOVE THAT BUS and the Rucker Family will receive their new home. I will get to see everything in October 2011 when the show airs- who knows, I may make the show due to the camera crew filmed me during special tasks for the show.
 Drivin'n'Cryin' Band Members
 Future Pageant Queens
ABC Film Crew

 Extreme Home Make Over Producer - Andrew
 After the concert meeting Ty Pennington